Thursday, October 13, 2011

Non-Racism in a Post Apartheid South Africa

Can there be real democracy with no equality? Are the racial constructs in South Africa meritted and an impeding factor in creating a non-racial society? Is apartheid really gone or it just changed its form and image? Why is the focus not on structural racism?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pains of growing up

No more sure about the future
No more hope in the logic of life
No more need to hide the facts
Worry is now synonymous with me
These life pains are too much to bear

Education emancipate the mind
Education comes at a price and immense sacrifice
Educated I came, with no one taking heed
Dismay is an everyday thing
These life pains are too much of a burden

Growing up, underprivileged offers the background
Growing old in under-privileged circumstances now
Growing up and old with no hope for the future
Hopeless has become my situation
These life pains are too much of a burden

Change comes with perseverance
Change comes after a long wait
Change is scary to those in comfort
Changing the world order is an ingenious solution
These life pains are too much of a burden

Present day hard work bears fruits for generations to come
Hard work isn’t sufficient without a helping hand
Hard work calls for focus and determination
Working hard has to become second nature
These life pains are too much of a burden

Acknowledging past wrongs and defeats
Acknowledging the insurmountable task ahead
Acknowledging that society might be at odds
Self acknowledgement is the foundation
These life pains are too much of a burden

Never imagined

Moving from place to place
Only one parent acting as a figure head
A place to sleep was a struggle everyday
A hungry stomach was the norm
Gloom was the daily picture
Never imagined the future would be any better

A perfect example of a laughing stock then
A perfect doormat for those going places
Life’s cruelty was endured to the fullest
Days became longer than necessary
Never imagined living and mixing with richness

Resonance of the past brings sadness
Secretly glad that it’s now all over
God did perform his miracles in a hopeless situation
Every day now is a blessing to cherish
Never imagined being counted amongst the best

Education was the escape route
Not an easy option with nowhere to start from
Destruction plenty galore in all sorts of forms
Death being the ultimate price being avoided
Never imagined finding favour with God

Youngsters looking up to a towering figure
Perseverance ensured a role model status
A die-hard attitude comes with years of deprivation
Every day new targets and heights are set
Never imagined being a trend setter

Thursday, December 2, 2010

In my time

Sweet words of devotion and genuineness
Love unparalled and unequalled
Sincerity filled with good intentions
Sobriety of heart and mind
In my time, that doesn’t count

Gangsterism  and bad mannerisms
Swearing and distressful articulated gesticulations
Obscene structures and shameful behaviour
Perfect good examples of infaminity living caricatures
In my time, thus all that counts

What went wrong with the younger generation?
What happened to the old fashioned parenting?
What will the world be like in years to come?
What can be done now, to arrest and curb self destruction?
In my time, logic makes no sense

Family values are a thing of the past
Fatherless babies are wilding guns in the streets
The cops are running for dear life
Protection of the citizens comes after self survival instincts
In my time, chaos runs supreme

The sense of community is dead and buried
Individualism is the in thing and the way forward
Loneliness in multitudes is the order of the day, with none to trust
The competition for life has to be won by hook or crook
In my time, greediness is an essential survival tool

Born sons end up daughters in-laws somewhere else
Daughters bring daughters in-law back home
Mothers end up being fathers
Confusion of sexes is stinking to the good heavens
In my time, confusion is all that is there to live for


Met you when all was down
Came to me like a whisper
Throwing a life line were paramedics had failed
Took to your side with no hesitation
Hope, you bring a whole new world to me

Like a star you shine upon me so bright
Like summer rains you nourish me like a flower garden
Like a new born, my veins are filled with new life
Every day of my life is lived in the solace of your name
Hope, you are my whole life and my breathe

With you by my side, living is easy
Past failures and heartaches are easily forgotten
The thought of you is the vehicle to carry me through the day
With you by my side, no mountain is too high
Hope, I keep on hoping

When the chips are down, no one else is there for me
When skies are grey, in you I find solace and comfort
When times are hard, you always pave the way for me
Stopping at nothing to make me comfortable and smile again
Hope, you are my one and only best friend

Your positive spirit carries me through turbulent times
No harm will ever come my way when you by my side
Life challenges become, but none events
With you in my life, I’m a victor and winner
Hope, you are my Alfa and Omega

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wiki a lotta leaky

Recent times are crazy and everything else is “crazy along”. I seat back and wonder whether the “end of times” is already here with us or mad cow disease has long lasting effects which were never envisaged before in human beings.
In this age and era, information is “King” and this means that people, states, nations and continents scramble to first in the information pack. Information, however, is information if acted upon within a mostly short and specific time; otherwise it becomes sterile or become public.
These two scenarios condemns once perceived information to being  useless, since holder won’t benefit from the trouble of holding such nor derive any particular competitive advantages.
As recent as a few weeks ago, USA was spending billions of dollars courting a dead horse (read North Korea), all entangled in acts of intimidation and circum-speculation, until one Julian Assange leaked the vine through his now officially classified terrorist organisation (read wikileaks).
What we knew was that China and USA were at war and the Korean peninsula was the battle ground, taking a sizable count of casualties in the unenviable role of battle ground provider. The former’s influence on Kim dynasty family of North Korea is public knowledge (why they named every male in the family Kim is bewildering) and as good as SA’s influence on uncle Bob.
This Assange oak started a revolution and no country was spared, even if it means being mentioned in a one liner. The corruption in east Africa, to zero politics in Zimbabwe, all makes for an interesting reading.
The iconic Nelson Mandela was a victim of the leaks too. Mandela doubted the IQ level of George Bush and this is really interesting especially considering that Mandela himself was a university dropout, and this guy obtained a masters degree. Ok I get it; jail made him clever, although some would argue that the old man is also out of sync with reality, nowadays and runs the risk of being irrelevant in his own life time.
This Assange dude hails from Australia and is a wanted criminal, for raping two women in Sweden. Definitely something is terribly wrong with this guy, but the silence of the leaks on Australia is deafening and eye popping. Why did he spare his own country, or did he edit the entire leak before publishing it?
Surely the diplomatic core has been working overtime to avoid long lasting high level damage to individuals and countries, but one country hasn’t been slightly bothered by Julian and thus China. In China it’s business as usual and it seems that attitude is that if anyone does have grievances with China, they can go hang.
Besides, China stands to benefit more than any other country should USA’s credibility be damaged beyond repair by these leaks. Is Julian working for the communists? China has been fighting for ages with USA over internet access and on curbs on internet and right now the Yankees wish they had listened to little Moas.