Friday, December 3, 2010

Never imagined

Moving from place to place
Only one parent acting as a figure head
A place to sleep was a struggle everyday
A hungry stomach was the norm
Gloom was the daily picture
Never imagined the future would be any better

A perfect example of a laughing stock then
A perfect doormat for those going places
Life’s cruelty was endured to the fullest
Days became longer than necessary
Never imagined living and mixing with richness

Resonance of the past brings sadness
Secretly glad that it’s now all over
God did perform his miracles in a hopeless situation
Every day now is a blessing to cherish
Never imagined being counted amongst the best

Education was the escape route
Not an easy option with nowhere to start from
Destruction plenty galore in all sorts of forms
Death being the ultimate price being avoided
Never imagined finding favour with God

Youngsters looking up to a towering figure
Perseverance ensured a role model status
A die-hard attitude comes with years of deprivation
Every day new targets and heights are set
Never imagined being a trend setter

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